Breeding in the christian louboutin boots heart

Breeding in the christian louboutin boots heart louboutin boots gradually!walk, feeling the gentle rain, taste the taste of rain, breathing the fresh moist air. Air, the fragrance of flowers overflowing, immersed in the fascinating atmosphere, the mood is cheerful. Because it brought pleasure rain comes it I do not know, but think about it, all because of all this rain coming, so that all things different from the past, so feel different from the past.exercise back, opened the window, the wind gently blowing. The wind, the sandwiched rain wet atmosphere, but also with a faint fragrance of the soil ... ...romantic, dance bright green sea stars, ah flash flash, a sudden become a green sea of the wizard. Look far, this countless elves, wearing the same clothes Hongxia, Tingting curl, thick places, like, like smoke, like clouds, days , the blur in the green sea. This red spirit, tender and beautiful louboutin sandals hillside in the ups and downs, publicity. Beautiful ah, home of the Shandan flowers! listen to this Is home Shandan louboutin outlet blossoms bloom, right Shandan in full swing it over the mountain flowers, dancing in the green sea of Shandan flowers, beautiful, moving. They are very thin, but not hide, the color of passion with a bold dot the green sea, far away you can see, feel the exciting warm, causing the heart to sprout. They have only a thin stalk supporting that green stems covered with thin narrow leaves, willow leaves, the width of perhaps half the flowers at the bottom are connected together, shaped like a horn, but to middle, began to separate the petals, leaves, petals are long and narrow shape, rolled back when half of your back, the flower is red, wore louboutin boots thin style to link the two millet as big stigma, very thin. But is not timid, delicate and charming people do not feel bad, but always inspire up the infinite strength. This is my hometown Shandan flowers, beautiful flowers Shandan. Shandan flowers, which grow each year to open a flower, like the growth of trees every year there is a ring like his flower christian louboutin boot count, you know how old it is. Shandan flowers flowers can eat, there was a slightly sweet dough with fragrance, very refreshing. He also can eat the root, and root like a fruit, cream, onion shape and we eat the same, it is a small, size, and garlic is almost, but the older to larger. Somewhat brittle when eaten raw, are full of water, but also slightly sweet, if steamed, very soft, a little taste of bananas. This is my hometown Shandan spent, not only to watch it when christian louboutin bridal the flowers, but also can be a fruit to eat, really, really beautiful. flowers are mostly watching the world, or as noble, or because elegant, or as beautiful, or because the fragrance. But mostly just watch it, peony flowers can eat it The root roses can eat it Even if there are many flower petals can eat or make tea, but not the roots, leaves can be eaten together. Shandan flowers to my hometown. I do not know the song in the Shandan Shandan flowers and flower in my hometown is not the same, but I appreciate that the lyrics.
Par caigoose1 le vendredi 15 avril 2011


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